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CSE | Aditya College of Engineering

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


With Global Excellence, National Relevance and Industry preference as prime motto, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering fosters greater learning experience by providing a broader scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications.

The department has been consistently fulfilling its role by transforming students into technically competent, socially responsible and ethically professional graduates. Remarkably, two students of the department received gold medals for being the toppers at the university level.

Well-equipped class rooms, well networked Lab setups with latest software, Industry- Integrated projects, creative teaching-learning process, research based activities in the emerging areas, impressive placements, certification courses make the department well advanced on the professional front.

Flagging the reputation of Aditya at national and international levels, the faculty of the department have been conferred with numerous prestigious awards and accolades. Several faculty members review technical articles for journals, serve on the editorial boards of national and international journals, deliver guest lectures and organize workshops and symposia.