The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is a national, professional, non-profitmaking society registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. The Association of Principals of Technical Institutions (APTI) was transformed into “Indian Society forTechnical Education“ in 1968 with a view to broaden its activities to advance the cause oftechnical education. One of the major objectives of ISTE is to assist and contribute in theproduction and development of top quality professional engineers & technicians neededby the industries and other organizations.
ISTE Students Chapter was inaugurated to make the student community to actively participate in ISTE activities and to provide a common platform for students to exhibit the talent which helps in their career development and to get excellent position in the Society.
- Organizing students symposiums and seminars.
- Organizing weekly/monthly quiz programmes for members.
- Organizing lectures by experts from industry, R&D organizations,defense services, Government departments and other institutions.
- Coaching programme for writing competitive examinations and attending job interview.
- Training programme on report writing, project management.
- Cultural programmes.
- Entrepreneurship development programmes.
- Lectures on moral values and ethics.
- Discussions, brain-storming sessions, group activities.
- Training in public speaking and Training in becoming a master Student.
- Visits to industry and work sites.
- Training in leadership and personality development.
- Training in cooperative learning, Environmental Awareness, basic management skills.
Without any further criteria, ISTE Student members are allowed to attend National level seminars, conferences and workshops conducted through ISTE Student Chapter at various colleges and Universities. Such kind of seminars, workshops and conferences are meant only for the ISTE Student members.
By considering the performance of the ISTE Student member, a member can get Best Student Chapter Prize by ISTE, New Delhi.
By considering the performance of the ISTE Student members, a the ISTE Student Chapter can also get Best Student Chapter Award by ISTE, New Delhi.